RAFT is a UK wide collaborative of doctors interested in research and QI in anaesthesia and intensive care. We believe that research and QI are not just for academics but something that everyone can get involved with. In fact, we believe that this is key to improving patient outcomes and experiences of perioperative care.
We provide a range of opportunities from small to large collaborative projects. We welcome trainee, SAS and locally employed anaesthetists of comparable experience to join.
Coordinate and support high quality trainee lead research and quality improvement projects​
Support trainee, locally employed and SAS anaesthetists of comparable experience with research and quality improvement and fulfil 2021 RCoA curriculum goals ​
Understand and address the barriers for trainees taking part in research
Advocate for and champion our members
Communicate effectively and engage widely​​
Attract national funding
Work ethically, efficiently and in an environmentally sustainable manner

The start of RAFT
After the formation of several TRNs, attention turned to how to collaborate across regional borders. In 2013 after much discussion during a TRN Joint Meeting RAFT was born. This is because coordinated national research and quality improvement is vital to answering some of the big questions surrounding our scope of clinical practice in order to improve patient care. The collaborative model of RAFT achieves this whilst recognising the contribution made by every individual who takes part.
Trainee research networks are the heart and soul of RAFT. These are regional groups run by trainee anaesthetists across the UK. They link several different hospitals to work collaboratively to identify and address important research questions and quality improvement areas. Often from humble beginnings (just like RAFT) many have blossomed into well-established formal research and QI networks.